- Eliminate the remaining make-up every night, despite feeling tired attack. Because, going to bed with dirty faces is not good. Although not wear make-up every day, take a few minutes to wash the face before bed to remove dirt and oil clinging to the skin.
- Clean the face with soap that contains salicylic acid. These materials can help to dissolve oil and dirt content in the pores, so the skin is fresher.
- Use a moisturizer that contains no oil or non-allergenic moisturizer or salicylic acid can also. For skin types prone to irritation, combined with moisturizer.
- Consider for treatment at a beautician and skin (Dermatology). By taking care of Dermatology, may be chemical peelings and laser to help blood flow to the skin. However, this treatment is not cost less. All depends on yo
5 ways to smooth facial pores
Tips So that the Nail is more Strong
Jogging removed Stress

Faintly Stress without Food

1. Send the e-mail to yourself every time you ate
Tell about in the email work relations with the superior, deadline the work, and what was felt (stress, angry, or panicked). Reconsider the message every week so that knew how the influence of emotions on the pattern of eating you. Continued by compiling the plan to change this situation.
2. Shift attention
Telephone the friend and told all that was felt by you. Did before you ate snack
3. Drink green tea or black tea
Before ate snack, drank tea that contained theanin, the compound of amino acid chemistry that could help the brain to be still relaxing.
4. Gathered with milis
Followed mail list, for example mail list the hobby or the certain community like mail list the health prevention Indonesia. Or, wrote blog personally, this will improve mood you.
Nutrition To overcome Hair fell
Consumption also food that contained sulphur like the shallot, the garlic, green vegetables and the egg. Sulphur, often was acknowledged as the "beauty mineral". Sulphur this often was found on hair, skin and the healthy nail, his function to increase the circulation of blood. Several theories sulphur could trigger the growth of hair despite already in the bald situation. Food that contained much iodine and calcium, also could stimulate the growth of new hair. So, when your hair was often falling, consumption milk and his whim product, like cheese and yogurt.
Do you want to get sound asleep

Hard to sleep? May be caused by your mobile
8 Accurate steps overcame Insomnia
If tips this also could not give results that were positive for you, immediately contacted dokter
The pimple vanished without Medicine

Overcome big pores on the Face in an instant
Big pores is one of the problems of very annoying face skin. With big pores the bacteria more found it easy to cling to face skin. So, the pimple then is easy to grow.
Usually the type of oily skin that has big pores. This matter in fact can not be changed because really in relation to genetic. There are several matters that made your pores fast dirty and triggered the pimple. That is, the secretion or defecated that not be fluent in, the fluctuation hormon. stress, the medicine and the weakness of body resistance.
For the maintenance that can be carried out by you is by cleaning pores in an orderly fashion. The maintenance that usually often is given for the porous skin kind big is peeling.
Peeling that used the functioning enzyme to clean pores only in the surface part. Usually the formula peeling is made from the fermentation material like papain, bromelain and trypsin. The effect from peeling the enzyme softened face skin like peeling ultrasonic.
Peeling TCA Escape
TCA skin uses trichloracetic acid, entered the category "medium-depth peel". Peeling this is very effective to overcome the swelling resulting from the pimple. Peeling this caused the effect on skin and needed two till 3 weeks of the restoration period.
this maintenance be classed as that was most fast and comfortable for porous skin big. Cryotherapy helped overcame the problem of the inflammation in the pimple and reduced the production of oil in the face part. This maintenance could also prevent wrinkles and brightened skin.
Dehydrated influenced the function of the kidney

Prevent the heart disease with the red wine

This theory was afterwards turned upside down by a group of researcher in the West country. Said, not alcohol in red wine that unloaded the level of blood cholesterol, but the compound antioxidants that was mentioned flavonoid that had the role.
The coloured grape red and purple was source food flavonoid best (the green wine that actually was white or pale did not contain this flavonoid ). Flavonoid like quercetin and catechin are useful to expedite the blood circulation in the body, to prevent the reaction of LDL cholesterol oxidation and to reduce the formation of the plaque on blood vessels.
Despite of red wine also contained flavonoid, alcohol that is contained to this drink gives the effect of the disturbance in the heart, then is suggested better drink red wine juice compared with red wine. By drinking one to two red or purple glass of wine juice pure per the day, then your heart more will be awakened its health.
Colour your Garden

There is any the certain standard in combining the colour. The primary colour was colours like red, yellow, and blue. Cement- Tara colours that entered the secondary category were orange, green, and purple. The tertiary colour is colours like orange yellowish, green blue, as well as blue purple. All these colours could be obtained by you by mixing available colours. If knew how mixed colours above, you will get colours of the rainbow in your garden.
Clean up yourself with high antioxidant

The Positive impact of the Internet for child
There is nothing wrong how come left the child playing the internet. The internet to open world heavens.
Moreover, before children engrossed in for hours playing the internet, parents then must apply "do and don't to do", where the regulation was made by parents
So before the parents permitted, he must has his regulation for his child. There is no age limitation for children who might access the internet. Because if being seen was based on his function, children also needed the internet. His function then various- the kind, like to do the task, for the fun of it opened the site to increase knowledge, or just opened the game of the computer.
When parents permitted the child to play the internet, don't forget to lock the site- the certain site that is connected with the site of the adult, accompanied them, and reminded the child to be able to open the site that is needed then
The simple tips for maintenance of the car
To prevent this matter, therefore you should follow the below of tips :
- Check all the parts that needed the liquid. Including the brake, power steering, the acceleration, windshield. These parts were type, it is simple but important. What will be happened if the brake do not function when in high speedy?
- Check the tyre pressure. The tyre is less pressure can reduce petrol efficiency . And to prevent that, do the prevention at least a month.
- Treat the machine especially in the spark-plug part. Because if this part is dirty or broke, the fuel will decrease its efficiency of 30 percent.
- Oiled chassis regularly. This way to prevent of damaging also extending the suspension system of the vehicle.
- Check the accu to prevent of corrosion. Also don't forget to clean the part when being needed. One matter more, refill accu wather if it has decreased.
- Check the machine belt periodically. Also check if there is any the part that is broke or even is lost.
- Water filtration also should be not forgotten. This filter must be checked by you approximately every time had the change in oil in the other part. Because this the decisive part of a vehicle in the best of condition.
- It is other, the manual book that is owned by you is useful. Read and confirm when your vehicle must to be serviced and be maintained.
The Elegant bathroom
The Ugly Man's sperm More Compared With The Handsome
The attraction of the hukind was very complicated and was influenced by many factors, including the cultural factor. However like that, the level of the ejaculation and the quality was of sperm influenced by the feeling of the high self-confidence and the number of 'sleep' partners, said the researcher from UCL Sam Tazzyman
Tazzyman explained, the man who felt himself had the interesting face really the self-confidence. He will realize his handsomeness and definitely him many women who wanted to have sex with him. Psychology like that will automatically reduce the level of sperm that was issued when he had sex.
Whereas for the man who felt himself did not pull, he realize that himself ugly. This will make him felt not many women that wanted to sleep with him. Therefore, when there is any woman who wanted to sleep with him, automatically he will issue sperm that is owned by him optimally.
We held this research by using the object of the animal, the chicken and the fish. We were sure what was found by us in the two same animals could be experienced by humankind, said Tazzyman
SBY Surpassed Obama Record
The couple's victory SBY-Boediono that according to various survey agencies reached 60 percent it was considered exceeded the record of the United States president (the USA) Barack Obama. Beforehand, Obama was the world record-breaker who got 52 percent or was equal to 69 million voters.
If I were the president of Republic of Indonesia

- I would create a strong and solid cabinet. I would appoint qualified and smart the minister of my cabinet. They would perform their best job in 1 month, they would be very busy. Their posts were like a hell because they would not have time to relax. Their prime responsibility was how to come out from crisis.
- I would build a prison in Seribu islands for all corruptors. In that prison, they would work 14 hours a day and only two time meals. The menu would be only salted fish and some soup. If there were a prison like this , people think twice to be corruptors.
- I would invite investors. They would be either from abroad or local investors. I would create conducive situation where economic activities could run well. Crime or separatism would be surprised.
- I would send many more Indonesian students abroad to study. Education budget would be doubled. I would ask my Minister of Education to control education institutions. Bad Education institutions would be closed permanently.
Indonesian Traditional Foods

If we ask our friend, family, and other, I am sure they will not alu-alu, pukis, semar mendem, kue putu, carabikang, ongol-ongol, serabi and many others. They are more familiar with western foods, such as burger, sosis, hot dog, donut, pizza and many others. And we offer them to try traditional food, they will reluctantly accept them. But they will accept western food at once if we offer them the food.
Why young people now don’t like traditional foods any more? This question must answered by all of us. Actually, the young people cannot be blamed because western culture penetrates our country strongly not only in way of thinking but also in way of life.
I also think that may be our families are late to introduce traditional food to us and our environment. Since we do now the traditional food, we will not enthusiasm to taste them. And when we grow up, we may not like the traditional food because we are not used to eating them. Finally, the traditional food only be story.
Willing to be slim

Nowadays, many slimming pills, capsule, herbs, or even drugs are sold. The producers always promise many good things. They even promise that their products can decrease fat in one week! It is amazing. Many young, slim and energetic artists and singer are hired to advertise the products. Seeing them on television, reading them on the newspaper and internet, listening to radio, many people attracted to buy the products. They hardly ever consult the products with the doctors. They just take them and hope they will have the same shape as artists. In this case, they are killing themselves slowly.
I think that many people are wrong in interpreting slim and fat. Slim and fat, both have advantages and disadvantages. Fat but health is better than slim but sickly. Many slim woman but they are not good looking. On the other hand, there are many fat women, but they are good looking and sexy.
Fat woman may have willing to be slim, but they must control their diet. Careless diet will lead them to hospital or their graves. In other words, the most important of someone is health and quality. Also don’t forget to get sport everyday.