Nowadays, many slimming pills, capsule, herbs, or even drugs are sold. The producers always promise many good things. They even promise that their products can decrease fat in one week! It is amazing. Many young, slim and energetic artists and singer are hired to advertise the products. Seeing them on television, reading them on the newspaper and internet, listening to radio, many people attracted to buy the products. They hardly ever consult the products with the doctors. They just take them and hope they will have the same shape as artists. In this case, they are killing themselves slowly.
I think that many people are wrong in interpreting slim and fat. Slim and fat, both have advantages and disadvantages. Fat but health is better than slim but sickly. Many slim woman but they are not good looking. On the other hand, there are many fat women, but they are good looking and sexy.
Fat woman may have willing to be slim, but they must control their diet. Careless diet will lead them to hospital or their graves. In other words, the most important of someone is health and quality. Also don’t forget to get sport everyday.
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