The free radical to be the most outside atomic part of the oxygen molecule that its electron does not has the couple so as to be labile, wild, and the radical. Because labile, he looks for its couple by seizing the element of the couple electron from the other molecule. Molecule cells that is couple electron is seized by the free radical can be broken, died, and mutated became the bad molecule. It can cause the illness like skin cancer, early aging, and the other dangerous illness, including the disturbance of breathing.
The free radical is able to come from the vehicle smoke, the cigarette smoke, dust, Air Condition, and the remnants of the burning of food. These matters can be found by us anywhere and indeed can not be avoided again. In other words, the free radical had became part of our life everyday.
The free radical does not only endanger our physical , but also can disrupt thoughts so as we can not to think positively and healthily. The One of the methods of cleansing the free radical of our body is consuming food or the drink that contained antioxidants that is green tea. Green tea helped us to continue to be ready faced the day that was full of the challenge. Green tea also is the soft drink that also can be used as health therapy.
Green tea more beneficial compared to black tea and red tea because green tea do not experience the process of fermentation so as the content antioxidants its is bigger. The content of the compound polifenol that a large number of in green tea played a role as the patron from various illness sorts. One of them, cancer. Polienol be classed as in antioxidants that is very potent. This compound will neutralise the free radical which became the cause of cancer.
Now you have more reasons to having before departing to work or when gathering with the family in the afternoon. Green tea is suggested to be consumed because its benefit is folded. Increasingly young and healthy your artery, increasingly healthy and young yourself
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