You must be had felt restless because of could not sleep although time has shown at midnight? Although trying to close the eyes, your thoughts continued to drift through to be able to not tidur. afterwards, the body was then limp in the morning and the head was felt by the headache because of the condition for the body still not all that to rest. This the sign of insomnia that must be guarded against by you.
Insomnia could be interpreted as a situation whichever someone experienced the difficulty of could not sleep or sleep soundly. Level level anyone had experienced insomnia very much in his life. Moreover there was one more extreme named 30 – 50% the population experienced insomnia.
The Imsonia cause
This insomnia could be caused attacked all the groups of the age. Nevertheless, the figure of the insomnia incident will increase together with the age increase. This possibly as a result of by stress that often descended on the person that aged older. By that, the woman it was said more often suffered insomnia when being compared by the man.
Apart from because of the problem stress, insomnia could also happen because of having the problem in your food. Another thing that could cause insomnia to be the atmosphere of the room that did not support, concerned, through to consumption of excessive caffeine.
The method overcame insomnia
1. Doing sport regularly
Process the body was arranged. Several researches mentioned processed the body that was arranged could help the person who experienced the problem by sleeping. Sport better be carried out in the morning and not several minutes gazed at sleep. By processing the body, your health became more optimal so as the body could oppose stress that emerged better.
2. Reduce consumption kaffein
Reduced the requirement for caffeine like tea or coffee. When you wanted to consume him, did in the morning, or slowest 4 hours before sleeping tonight. Caffeine that was consumed too much close to sleep time only will hinder the arrival of the feeling of drowsiness.
3. Pay attention to time to eat
You must pay attention to time to eat, gave minimal time two hours before sleep after eating last food ate dinner. The distance ate that too much close to sleep time precisely will increase metabolism and the temperature of the body, so as to make sleep increasingly was difficult. By this means, And You Too could maintain the weight, considering sleep after eating big often will keep fat. If really was hungry, chose snack like cereal wheat that was mix milk, tofu, the wheat porridge, or bread that was sprinkled wijen. However, continue to gave the minimal distance one hour before sleeping because tryptophan also needed time to stimulate the brain.
4. Eat food contained the carbohydrate gazed at sleep
To be able to sleep soundly, your body needed trytophan or that often was acknowledged as the substance penidur. Trytophan, that was the fatty acid kind, functioned produced serotonin that could loosen nerves in the centre of the brain. When the brain has relaxed, you will more find it easy to fall asleep with the good quality. Trytophan was often met to food berkabohidrat light. The cake muffin, the biscuit, or could be made the solution. However should not be too full, your digestion will be loaded because of must work hard to dissolve, so as to rest you could not be maximal.
5. Carry out the activity that made you comfortable to sleep
You could begin him by pouring oil aromaterapi in diffuser, bathed warm water, tuned the favourite song or covered the bed with the comfortable blanket. When sleeping, turn off light, turn off the matter of the matter that caused the voice, confirmed you were comfortable with the temperature of the room of your sleep. Keep away the table clock from your view because the object could make you concerned because of still could not be sound asleep now the hour needle increasingly protracted.
6. Bed only for sleeping
When you wanted to read or watch the tv better did in another place so as when you went to the bed, 'alarm' on your body immediately warned that this was time to sleep. This will help your body to adjust to the bed environment. When you lay in the bed, then will emerge the stimulus to sleep.
7. Clear up thoughts
Clear up your thoughts. Eliminate all the concerns that descended on your thoughts. One of the methods for this was wrote all of your thoughts through the media blog.
8. Sleep and got up in the period that was arranged
Sleep and got up in the period of time that was arranged every day. Chaotic sleep time will disrupt your sleep time was further.
If tips this also could not give results that were positive for you, immediately contacted dokter
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